Wow, that title’s so good you hardly need the rest of the post, right?
Just in case, here’s the deal: The Boneshaker has its own Facebook group, which I, fledgling newbie that I am, started about a year ago when I had zip in the way of updates and excitement to let people know about. Despite my staggering lack of content at the time, 181 people humored me and joined up. From now until March 1, this intrepid group of superhuman sweethearts are going to tell the world about this amazing book their sister/niece/forum buddy/critique partner has coming out, and the person who gets the most people to join the group wins an ARC. (And you saw how sweet the ARCs are, right? If not, please to read about it here.)
Are you on Facebook? Then you can play, too! Join the group, then refer your friends. Your recruits should write a wall post dropping your name. If you win, I’ll send you an ARC, and I’ll draw one of your recruits from a hat and send one to that lucky person, too. (To clarify: I’ll draw a name, not an actual recruit from a hat. No participation in actual hat tricks are necessary to win this game.) The fun ends March 1.
Thanks in advance, folks! Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.