November 2023
11am-330pm: Brooklyn Museum Children’s Book Festival
November/December Holiday Stock Signing Tour:
(Bookstore friends, if you’d like to arrange for signed holiday stock of Greenglass House, The Raconteur’s Commonplace Book, and/or any other Milford title, please contact my assistant, Daniella Soto, at
Every year about this time I start hearing from families and book clubs and wintry-minded folks of all ages who are beginning their annual reads of Greenglass House and Ghosts of Greenglass House. This year, because The Raconteur’s Commonplace Book just came out in paperback and because I was completely inspired by Grace Lin’s and Debbi Michiko Florence’s Very Asian Book Trip, I decided to head out for a few stock-signing day trips. After all, when the weather turns, it’s the best time to book your Nagspeake holiday vacation. Greenglass House and the Blue Vein Tavern always have rooms ready for you!
Here’s my holiday road trip schedule. These are not book events or readings (unless otherwise noted)–I’m just swooping in to sign stock. But if you or anyone you know needs a trip to Nagspeake, these are great places to shop, and every one of them will ship books for you. Where I have additional information (like whether personalization is possible, or whether you need to use specific links to order) I’ll add that info–but you can always call the stores in question to inquire and place orders.
Strand Books, 828 Broadway at 12th Street, NYC, (212) 473-1452 (Signed books can only be ordered from Strand after I’ve visited, so note that if you order before there is an official signed book link, you’ll get a regular unsigned book. I’ll update this space with links once they exist.)
Books of Wonder, 42 West 17th Street, NYC, (212) 989-3270
Books are Magic, 225 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY, (718) 246-2665
McNally Jackson Books, 445 Gold Street, Brooklyn, NY (718) 442-7780 (Personalizations are definitely available here!)
Book Culture, 26-09 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY, (718) 440-3120
Kinokuniya NYC, 1073 Avenue of the Americas, NYC, (212) 869-1700 (At Kinokuniya I’ll be hanging out from 12pm-1pm to film an interview out on the sales floor, so if you happen to be in the neighborhood, swing by by and say hi!)
11/25 (Small Business Saturday!):
10am-12pm: Old Fox Books, 35 Maryland Ave, Annapolis, MD, (410) 626-2020 (At Old Fox I’ll be hanging out making bookmarks, so definitely come by if you can!)
2pm: The Bookplate, 112 S. Cross Street, Chestertown, MD, (410) 778-4167
4-6pm: Flying Cloud Booksellers, 26 W. Dover Street, Easton, MD, (410) 775-5311 (I’ll be hanging out making bookmarks at Flying Cloud, too, so come on by!)
Barnes and Noble, 2516 Solomon’s Island Road, Annapolis, MD, (410) 573-1115
High-Five Books, 141 N. Main Street, Florence, MA (413) 200-0197
The Silver Unicorn Bookstore, 12 Spruce Street, Acton, MA, (978) 274-2757
Caprichos Books, 11310 Manklin Creek Road, Ocean Pines, MD (410) 929-6081