An Imaginary Curriculum: The Fiction Edition, Part the First

Which it’s a post where I take books generally accepted to be of Great Literary Merit and swap them for books found in–GASP–other parts of the bookstore. This is partly inspired by a conversation I had with a customer at my beloved… Continue Reading

The Imaginary Curriculum: Summer Reads, the U.S. History Edition

I just got back from Maryland, where I spent a whirlwind weekend doing Very Important Paperwork Things, running a 10 mile race I totally failed to train for (meaning I ran some and walked more), and visiting my baby nephew… Continue Reading

An Imaginary Curriculum: Which it’s Part the First of Kate’s Wild and Crazy Summer Reading Thoughts

A couple of days a week I work at my favorite bookstore, and last week I started one of my favorite projects: building the summer reads table for kids and teens. This got me thinking about all the research reading… Continue Reading