Counting Down to the Illustrated Kairos

Over the course of the last few months, in between exclamations of joy at the release of The Broken Lands and exhalations of relief over finishing (at least until my editor weighs in) Greenglass House, I have occasionally had reason to shriek in delight at the progress of The Illustrated Kairos Mechanism. Twelve artists sent work in styles varying from digital to pen and ink to watercolor to cut paper to pencil.

I’m in the final stages of pulling it all together and should be able to announce its availability within the next couple of weeks, and I just can’t wait to share it. Earlier this fall I posted a video of Natalia Eldering’s painting of Tom Guyot; today I want to share one of the pieces I received this week: Tanner Hansen’s imagining of the stone hawk from Simon Coffrett’s garden. Enjoy!



